RAaaS Report Disclaimer

This report is based upon responses and explanations provided by participants in your firm. We do not assume any responsibility and make no representations with respect to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of any information provided to us by your firm. The results presented in this report are predominantly based on a sampling and algorithmic approach. Maturity scores presented in this report are intended to be directional in nature and derived from the participant sample selected by your firm and may not reflect all possible non-conformities and risks across the organisation.
The information provided and maturity model scoring against various attributes, as presented in this report, has been generated by the DeepFathom Ltd patented approach to audits and assessments under US patent number 20060206287 and aligned where practicable to ISO17021 Management System Auditing, and IAF (International Accreditation Forum) MD11 (Auditing of ‘Integrated Management Systems’).
The content of this report is based only on the information known to us or made available to us up to the date of this report. Accordingly, changes in circumstances after this date could affect the findings outlined in this report and we reserve the right to amend findings, observations or guidance, if necessary, based on factual information that comes to our attention after that date.
The most accurate results from the assessment technology are derived by running the assessment across all participant groups in the organisation and with full completion by all staff. In the event that there is a low level of completion from a participant group(s) this may impact the accuracy of some score attributes, or be indicative of other factors in these participant groups.
Documents submitted during the assessment may have been reviewed at a high level but an absence of direct comments on
these documents does not imply they are of sufficient quality or that they are fully compliant with all the current regulations that may apply to your business or that they are fit for purpose for your firm.
The data collected, as provided by assessment participants, therefore reflects the view of individuals selected as assessment and audit participants, and not the opinions of Green Swan Compliance Ltd or DeepFathom Ltd. Whilst the responses and supporting comments provided by participants are not intended to be directly attributed to individuals,in some instances it may be possible to infer which individuals made what comments. Where text quotations are made in the report - these quotations may have been lightly edited to correct typographical errors and/or to preserve where and if possible to do so the anonymity of the participant.
Neither DeepFathom Ltd nor Green Swan Compliance Ltd make any warranties, express or implied, regarding the completeness or accuracy of the findings. The responsibility for any decisions or reliance made based on the findings of this report, lies solely with the customer. DeepFathom Ltd nor Green Swan Compliance Ltd shall not be liable for any losses, damages or consequences arising from the use or reliance on this report.
At the time of writing, Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud regulations, reporting and reimbursement requirements are in an early stage of adoption and implementation by the relevant regulators and may be subject to change and legal challenge. A high maturity index in this report does not guarantee that your organisation is suitably protected from APP scams or any related consequences.
In the event that your firm is completing this assessment/audit for the purposes of obtaining or continuing to get relevant APP fraud insurance coverage, your insurance may not be valid if your firm has not declared items that may later be regarded as material to this insurance cover.
The report is limited to the scope and purpose described in the relevant scope section of this report. Our work does not constitute an exhaustive examination or review of all aspects of operational effectiveness of the underlying procedures and controls in your firm. Unless explicitly specified, we have not performed testing on the effectiveness of any remedial measures taken in response to our observations or sample testing relating to onboarding checks, KYC/KYB or transaction monitoring or other relevant processes or technologies.
The report does not constitute a statutory audit or other assurance engagement in accordance with applicable professional audit standards. Accordingly, we provide no audit opinion, attestation or other form of assurance with respect to our work or the information upon which our work was based.
Our findings, observations or guidance on matters that relate to, or derive from, laws or regulations, are predominantly based on the data provided and the algorithmic calculations configured against the specified regulations, and where expressly stated our experience with industry practice and procedures in complying with such laws and regulations. Our work does not constitute legal advice or legal opinions, including determining whether your policies and programs result in you being “in compliance with” applicable laws, rules and regulations.